The importance of privacy and confidentiality in therapy is paramount to personal growth and development. Executive Psychological Resources (EPR) places a high emphasis on privacy. The waiting room is quiet and private without the busy atmosphere common in the field of mental health. The heightened level of confidentiality is a mainstay at EPR. It continues to be a reason a significant portion of our practice addresses the needs of psychiatrists, physicians, psychologists, and business executives.
Ask yourself whether you have a vision for your professional development, whether it is your individual career or your company. Without a long range plan and emotional intelligence, success is impossible. Coaching at EPR prioritizes confidential professionalism in all matters regarding our clients. We are a very small firm which privately caters to the needs of professionals.

For most of us, relationships serve as the foundation of our well-being. Our intimate relationships are fundamental to overall emotional health, and being disconnected from others makes us vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and emotional loneliness. In addition to couples therapy, we also address the needs of single people who would like to be in a healthy relationship. It is not uncommon for people with broad social connections to still feel emotional loneliness when they don't feel connected to a significant other. At EPR, we help people identify unhealthy patterns in past relationships which may interfere with deep emotional connections. We often work with newly divorced individuals and people who have not recently been involved in an intimate relationship. The building blocks of intimacy are not overly complicated or unattainable, but they are typically not taught. The world of online dating can be intimidating, overwhelming, and poorly executed. Recent research has identified effective strategies for approaching the online dating experience. These findings can be tailored to address individual needs. What can often be a solitary and unproductive endeavor can be a collaborative and much more effective experience.
Executive Psychological Resources (EPR) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. EPR maintains responsibility for the programs and their content. Our CE offerings meet the needs of social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, and other medical professionals. With a wide range of educational and clinical experience, Dr. Cole offers multiple CE opportunities. Some of the CE programs provide the opportunity to brush up on basic skills while other programs cover more advanced clinical skills and professional self-care. CE opportunities also extend to hosted trainings by experts in the field. We take care to cover the most commonly seen conditions including depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship impairment. Please check back for future CE offerings. The EPR office is ADA compliant and accessible to individuals in wheelchairs. Venues outside of our office will also be ADA compliant. If you have sensory or other special needs that require modification, we will make every effort to meet that need. Please contact our Education Chair, Dr. Amy Kay Cole, at or (417) 501-4960 with any questions or concerns. The grievance procedure is available at the following link: Grievance Procedures